
  • 了解IntegratorPlus是什么以及它是如何运作的.
  • Find out how IntegratorPlus might streamline your sales-to-cash systems.
  • 找出现代公司真正依赖IntegratorPlus的原因.

Perfect integration between customer relationship management (CRM) systems and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is crucial in the fast-paced business scene of today. 现在又来了 IntegratorPlus*,一个伟大的解决方案,由LBMC技术解决方案提供.


Pre-configured integration solution IntegratorPlus closes the distance between your CRM platform and top cloud-based ERP system, 圣人Intacct. 让我们仔细分析一下:

  1. CRM集成: IntegratorPlus将您的crm(如Salesforce或 Microsoft Dynamics 365- Sage完好无损. 它处理包括客户信息在内的重要数据, 库存, 定价, 销售订单, 发票, 以及关键的数据传输自动化. 数据复制和手动重新输入不再是选择!
  2. 双向同步: 一个系统的更新会立即显示在另一个系统中. Imagine putting a sales order created in your CRM into perfect view in 圣人Intacct. This real-time synchronizing removes duplication and simplifies processes.
  3. 随时随地访问: IntegratorPlus helps your personnel to access data from any device—PCs, 手机, tablets-anywhere, 任何时候. 不管他们是在办公室还是在路上, they will have a 360-degree perspective of financial data and consumer contacts.


1. 消除重新进入和维护:

  • 告别额外的客户数据输入. IntegratorPlus guarantees that consumer data stays constant between platforms.
  • There is no more juggling screens or spreadsheets to update 销售订单. IntegratorPlus将所有内容保持在同步状态.

2. 操作效率:

  • Your staff will be more effective if 销售订单 are available on either system.
  • 数据在CRM和圣人Intacct之间流动,因此报告变得容易.

3. 提高销售和服务效率:

  • Your staff can make wise judgments from a consistent perspective on consumer data.
  • Real-time financial data included into your CRM enhances cash flow and collection capability.

IntegratorPlus的Microsoft Dynamics CRM

在强大的微软Azure平台上开发, IntegratorPlus扩展了Microsoft Dynamics CRM的功能.

它移动包括消费者信息在内的重要数据, 库存, 定价, 合同, 销售订单, 和发票.


  • 简化处理,
  • 实时更新,以及
  • 简化订单提交-即使在路上.


Although every company may not prioritize perfect integration between customer relationship management (CRM) systems and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, it is very essential for businesses trying to maximize their sales-to– cash operations.

The arrival of IntegratorPlus could be revolutionary if your company mostly depends on controlling financial data across several platforms and client relationships.

Six main pain issues below could indicate whether IntegratorPlus is needed in the workflow of your company:

  1. 手动数据输入和复制: Businesses most certainly have inefficiencies IntegratorPlus can solve if they find themselves spending a lot of time personally entering client data or copying information between their CRM and ERP systems. Two major irritations in this manual method could be its potential for mistakes and its dissatisfaction.
  2. 操作效率低下: Operating inefficiencies might result from depending on spreadsheets for updates or switching systems, 因此会减慢活动并产生瓶颈. Teams experiencing these inefficiencies point to a need for a solution like IntegratorPlus, which simplifies procedures using flawless synchronizing between CRM and ERP systems.
  3. 缺乏实时信息: Delay in decision-making might result from waiting for data to be manually entered or synchronized. 企业是否应该发现自己缺乏销售订单的实时数据, 库存, 或者财务数据, 他们可能需要IntegratorPlus, 它提供快速更新和单一数据视图.
  4. 远程访问的挑战: The inability to obtain important data from any device in the mobile work environment of today can impede output. Teams who find it difficult to access consumer data or handle orders while on the road could find IntegratorPlus’ “Anywhere, “随时访问”工具是一个很好的解决他们的问题.
  5. 报告困难: Generating accurate reports gets difficult when data is distributed over several systems or calls for human aggregation. IntegratorPlus’ seamless data flow between CRM and ERP systems helps companies overcome pain points related to data fragmentation making accurate and timely reports challenging.
  6. 明智的决策: Lack of a consistent perspective of consumer data and financial information could make it difficult for companies to make wise judgments. IntegratorPlus’ capacity to offer a complete picture of data helps teams who believe they lack the insights required to maximize sales and service effectiveness solve their problem.


LBMC技术解决方案 has been leading edge technologically for more than twenty years. 我们在以下方面与众不同:

  1. 整体分析: 使用整体方法, we assess your particular company procedures and suggest answers fit for your requirements.
  2. 专业知识: Thousands of happy customers help us to realize how technology affects the performance of your company.
  3. 获奖经销商: We take great satisfaction in being an industry-standard software award-winning reseller.

IntegratorPlus最终是关于授权您的销售人员, 增加现金流, 促进公司的成功,而不仅仅是整合. 这一切都是为了提升你的销售到现金系统? 现在就去探索IntegratorPlus吧! 看到 LBMC技术解决方案.

*Note: IntegratorPlus is a registered trademark of LBMC技术解决方案.